What are Memories?

I love cartoons, I am in my late 20’ties and I still do and have a strong feeling that I always will.

Cartoons, in my opinion, present major life lessons for the simple mind and fragile hearts of children, which even adults can gain from.

I gained a profound realization as to what is the core nature of what we call “memories”.

I realized that memories are emotionless. They do not carry within themselves the seed of any particular emotion, what we feel when we think of a memory is purely based on our current emotional circumstances.

The scene where Riley, after moving to San Fransisco becomes sad thinking of her “happy memories” regarding hockey and her time spent with her parents in Minnesota is what struck a chord with me.

No matter how we felt when we actually experienced the memory, how we feel about it this very moment is tainted with our current state of emotional affairs, like a filter that is upon our mind, we view these memories through this filter, and this changes our reaction to the memories, different, and at times, unexpected emotions are invoked.

This can be confusing and frustrating to some as we lose out on the power to choose how we want to feel because we do not possess the understanding of the workings of the very things that invoke our emotions.

A = B

If you do not understand what A is, you might accidentally choose A, which inevitably results in B, which might be an emotion you do not want to feel.

So understand A, so that you can choose if you want to feel B.

What better way to take charge?

This lesson was worth my time and money in the cinema.

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